Patrick Richter
Wizard with numbers who can go the distance
You have a unique position at kontextor in that you work with numbers rather than words. What’s that like?
I enjoy it a lot. Unlike words, there’s no ambiguity with numbers – they’re either right or they’re wrong. That’s what I like about them. But I also find languages inspiring, otherwise I would feel a bit out of place at kontextor. People at the office always discuss issues around languages or translation. Despite my working with numbers – or maybe because of it – I have no trouble joining in these discussions.
Besides working with numbers, what else do you like about kontextor?
On any given day at kontextor, it can be I love how flexible it is here. Before I joined kontextor, I had a fixed work schedule, and working from home was not an option. Now I can arrange my work schedule any way I like.
So what have you been doing with your new-found freedom?
I love to travel, and I do it a lot. Preferably with a backpack. My next destination could be South America, or a train trip through Japan or camping in Namibia. I am also an avid runner. It helps me clear my head after a stressful day at work.